Abstract: Combining ability and heterosis were performed for in vitro traits in a diallel crosses involving
six bread wheat genotypes under three levels of salt stress (0, 4000 and 12000 ppm). Mean
squares of genotypes, parents and resulted fifteen hybrid combinations were found to be highly
significant for most in vitro studied traits. Mean square estimates of parent vs. crosses were
found to be highly significant for most studied traits. Both general (GCA) and specific
combining ability (SCA) variances were found to be highly significant for most in vitro studied
traits. Furthermore, the GCA/SCA ratios were found to be high than unity for most studied traits.
The Egyptian wheat genotypes Gemmiza 1 and Giza 157 were considered to be good general
combiner for most studied traits. The present study indicates that in vitro traits could be
successfully used in genetic characterization for salt tolerance in bread wheat. Also, Information
generated from this study can be used to select parents and hybrids forsalt tolerance in bread
wheat breeding program. |