Abstract: The study was based on evaluation of farmers livelihood assets affected by 2010 flood disaster in
Sokoto State, Nigeria. Purposive sampling was used for selection of areas affected by 2010
disaster, while, 178 farmers were used as sample size of the study. Data were collected using
structured questionnaire and check list for focus group discussion. Descriptive statistics were
used for analysis of qualitative data, while participatory rural appraisal tools were used for the
analysis of quantitative data. The study revealed that the socio-economic characteristics of
farmers that loss the livelihood assets were males (96.0%), married (94.9%), aged (42.7%) 41-51
years, indigenous knowledge (48.3%), household size (45.5%) 11-20 family members, farming
(62.5%) with mud residential buildings (63.5%). The focus group discussion with farmers group
revealed that the loss of upland crops, food stuffs and farm implements worth million of naira
were loss as livelihood assets. The wealth ranking of farmers group revealed that the quantity of
food stuffs possessed by farmers as wealth was reduced due to influence of 2010 flood disaster.
The Venn diagram of farmers group revealed the extent of relationship between the institutional
framework and key actors among the farmers group. The social mapping was used in the study
for the evaluation of physical, environmental, social and economic livelihood assets of farmers
affected by 2010 flood disaster. The study recommended that the farmers in Sokoto State should
stop the expansion of residential building and farmland close to flood vulnerable areas. |