Abstract: The research was carried out at the teaching and research farm Gaya, Kano University of science
and technology Wudil, Kano State and Kiyawa, Jigawa State Nigeria, during 2019/2020 dry
season using irrigation to evaluate the genetic variability among some okra varieties grown in
Sudan savannah agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. The experiments were laid out in a randomized
complete block design (RCBD) with four (4) replications. The treatments consisted of eight Okra
varieties (G207, LD88-1, NHAE47-4, Kunchin Biri, Clemson, ‘Yar yamidi, G989, and NHBIA13). Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) as described by Snedecor
and Cochran (1967), and mean were separated by (SNK) at 5% level of significance using the
Statistical Application for the Sciences software (SAS, 2003). Analysis of variance indicated that
9 varieties of okra under study differ significantly for 11 quantitative characters such days to
50% germination, days to 50% flowering, days ta first harvest, duration of fruiting, mean pod
diameter, mean pod length, number of leaves, number of branches, plant canopy, number of pods
per plant, and pod yield per plant in combined analysis across two locations. Taking a
simultaneous investigation of the three important genetic parameters together such as genotypic
co-efficient of variation, heritability and predicted genetic advance at a glance at phenotypic and
genotypic level, characters like days to 50% germination, days to 50% flowering, days to first
harvest, duration of fruiting, mean pod diameter, mean pod length, number of leaves at harvest
and number of pods per plant showed higher values for heritability and genetic advanced. |