Abstract: Strained yogurt (sometimes known by other names, such as torba, kese, süzme, filtered or
concentrated yogurt) is a concentrated fermented product in the Anatolia region for centuries. In
general, the strained yogurt is manufactured by separating the whey in the stirred yogurt until it
reaches a total solid level of 22–28%. Burdur Kökezyogurt is one of themost popular strained
yogurts in the Burdur province of Turkey. It’s high solids contents and long self-life. The mos
timportant feature of Kökezyogurt is its taste and texture. The product has a cream/white color, a
soft and smooth body, and is highly spreadable with little syneresis, and the primary flavors are
defined as sweet, sour, and astringent. The pH values of Kökezyogurt vary between 3.63 and
3.79, titratable acidity at 1.52–2.08% LA, dry matter at 21.25–27.35%, protein content at 9.18–
11.92%, and fat content at 7.80–8.40%. |