Abstract: The low interest of today’s generation in agriculture has resulted in a small number of young
farmers in Indonesia. There is a need of change between the coffee farmers who are no longer
productive and younger coffee farmers through the process of coffee farmer regeneration. This
study aims to determine the state of regeneration of coffee farmers, the impact of local instructor,
education level, land ownership, and income from other sectors on the regeneration of coffee
farmers in Karangploso District. This research used descriptive research with qualitative method
and phenomenological approach. The data were analyzed with analysis techniques and data
representation from Cresswell. The result shows that the regeneration of coffee farmers are
taking places in only 4 villages and has been occurring for three generations from 1990, the role
of local agricultural instructors are still limited, the education level of coffee farmers range from
elementary to junior high school level, some farmers who do not own land cooperate with
Perhutani, and coffee farming is not the main source of income for coffee farmers. It is important
to continue the regeneration of coffee farmers in Karangploso District, considering that
Karangploso District is a coffee-producing area. |