Abstract: Plant nursery is an important cultivation phase to improve the quality of papaya (Carica papaya
L.). However, poly bag used for the seedling container would contaminate the environment and
it potentially inhibits the root growth. BioPot (Biodegradable pot) is a suitable alternative
seedling container considering its plantable characteristic. This research aimed to optimize the
composition of BioPot for papaya nursery. This research was conducted using simple
Randomized Complete Block Design with 1 control (60% water hyacinth and 40% banana
pseudostem) and 7 treatments (50% water hyacinth and 40% banana pseudostem combined with
10% nutrient sources i.e cow, goat, chicken, and or Tithonia diversifolia manure). The data were
analyzed by using F-test, followed by Tukey HSD test with 5% significance and response
surface analysis.The optimation results formed relatively flat curve from all response variables
indicating that the obtained response has reached optimum results at all BioPot compositions
with various nutrient sources. The findings confirmed that various nutrient sources in this
research could be used in BioPot formulation for papaya nursery, considering the availability and
accessibility of the local nutrient sources. This research provided information regarding the
formulation of biodegradable pot to produce good and environmentally friendly seedlings while
minimalizing and eliminating the negative impact to the environment. |