International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research (IJAER) publishes peer-reviewed, open access journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. Before manuscript submission, please read and Author Guideline carefully; doing so will ensure that the publication of your manuscript is as rapid and efficient as possible. Manuscript Submission All manuscripts should be submitted by Online Manuscript Submission System. MS Word: Prepare a manuscript in MS Word 2003 or above. Manuscripts submitted to our journals must be written in English. Papers accepted for publication vary from 5 to 20 pages in one-column format. The main text usually can be divided into separated sections, organized by Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.

Paper Title :

A title of no more than 20 words should be brief, specific, and informative.

Author Details :

Full name for all authors should be given; The names of multiple authors are separated by a comma; Provide the full affiliation for each author including academic affiliation (or postal address), city, postcode, country, Email (Mandatory), ORCiD (Mandatory); If multiple authors have contributed to the article, details of the corresponding author should be clear. Email address is compulsory for the corresponding author.

Abstract :

The abstract should concisely state the purpose of the investigation and summarize the important conclusions. It should be a single paragraph of generally no more than 200 words.

Keywords :

Include 3 to 8 keywords or short phrases for indexing.

Introduction :

Provide a brief overview of the scope and relevance of the research, especially with regard to previous advancements in related fields.

Materials and Methods :

Present the research design, research type, research duration, inclusion/exclusion criteria, choice of subjects, etc. Describe the methodology completely, including sample collection, processing, lab analysis, statistical tests used for data analysis etc. Use section headings/subheadings in a logical order to entitle each category or method . (e.g. 1, 2; 1.1, 2.1; 1.1.1, 2.1.1…etc).


Present and illustrate your findings objectively and concisely, if appropriate, with figures/ tables. In the main text, describe each of your results by a particular observation.


Provide an interpretation of your results and make comparisons with other studies. The significance of findings should be clearly described. If your results differ from your expectations, explain why that may have happened.


All references to other papers, books, etc., must be given at the end of the paper. They should be numbered in sequence starting at the beginning of the paper. The numbers (in brackets) should appear in the text at the appropriate places. Bibliography should contain not less than 20 references. As the reference sources, the following materials can be used:

1. Articles from published scientific journals (or electronic versions of print journals);
2. Books; monographs; published conference proceedings; patents.

The references should:

1. Have a clear authorship (proprietary notices);
2. Be easy found by web search engines (Google, Yandex, Yahoo, MSN Bing, etc.).

The references should not include:

1. Articles from any non-scientific journals;
2. Regulatory and legislative acts;
3. Statistical collections and archives;
4. Sources without specifying the author (e.g., collections edited);
5. Electronic resources (e-journals, online articles, newspaper and any other news resources, reports and various studies on the websites, the websites of various agencies and organizations);
6. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference books;
7. Reports, memos, protocols, etc.

Any tutorials, manuals, guidebooks, abstracts of thesis, and theses must not be included in the reference list or page footnotes! The references are to be compiled in the same sequence they appear mentioned in the text of the article, rather than alphabetically (use the Vancouver Citation Style).

The author(s) is(are) responsible for the accuracy and credibility of all information, citations, and links to cited sources.