Abstract: This paper investigates farmer-herder conflicts in detail, and compares historical and current peace brokerage committee conflict management settled in Agouna city in Benin with IA4RD approach system as innovative strategy. Literature, Focus Groups Discussion (FGD) including five persons, semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) was used to analyze the content of the data. Diachronic and comparative analysis methods have been made for evaluation of the technical, economic, social, institutional and cultural changes that occurred in the community. The results revealed three types of farmers-herders conflicts that drive from stakeholder’s behavior facing scarcity of grazing space for livestock, expansion of farmland due to soil poverty. The peace brokerage committee was efficient than former conflict regulation mechanism by contributing to conflict reducing, used two mode for conflict management. The approach led to peaceful cohabitation of farmers and herders and improving sustainable livelihood in the community. Findings suggest to politics and decision makers the strengthening of appease cohabitation of farmers and Fulani which improve agricultural development and local economy. |