Abstract: Survey of bacteria and pests of smoked Clarias gariepinus (African catfish) obtained from
selected Markets (Ikpayongo, Abinsi and Daudu Markets) in Benue State Nigeria was carried
out. Of the markets where the survey was carried out, microbial population count was highest in
Daudu market (6.26±0.29) while the least (6.14±0.56) was recorded for Ikpayongo market. Of
the 9 isolates (Shigella sp, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus sp, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus sp,
Esherichia coli, Streptococcus sp, Micrococcus sp and Enterobacter sp) while Bacillus sp has
the highest mean population count from Abinsi market, highest mean population counts
(7.75±0.25 and 7.67±0.20) were recorded for Shigella sp from Daudu and Ikpayongo markets,
respectively. The lowest mean population counts (4.15±3.45), (4.45±0.05) and (5.75±0.25)
were recorded for Streptopcoccus sp, Staphylococcus aureus and Esherichia coli, respectively.
Highest mean fungi population counts (6.82±0.63) was recorded for Daudu markets while the
least (6.28±0.65) was recorded for Abinsi market. Of the six (6) fungi isolates (Penecillium sp,
Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus sp, Mucor sp, Aspergillus fumigates, and Rhizopus sp), highest
mean fungi population count (8.65±0.15), (8.80±0.30) and (8.65±0.15) were recorded for
Aspergillus sp from Abinsi, Daudu and Ikpayongo markets, respectively while the lowest
(2.56±0.20), (2.64±0.03) and (2.61±0.70) mean fungi population counts were recorded for Rhizopus sp from Abinsi, Daudu and Ikpayongo markets, respectively. Highest mean bacterial
count (6.87±0.05) was recorded for Daudu market while lowest mean bacterial count
(6.27±0.01) was recorded for Ikpayongo market. Also, while highest mean fungi count
(6.77±0.01) was recorded for Daudu market, the lowest (6.21±0.01) was recorded for Abinsi
market. Three species of pest (Blow flies, Necrobiarufibes and Dermestes maculate) were
observed during the study period. Of the three species of pest, the highest percentage (%)
frequency of occurrence (12.00), (38.00%) and (55.60%) were recorded for Blow flies, Necrobia
rufibes and Necrobia rufibes from Abinsi, Daudu and Ikpayongo markets, respectively while the
lowest (11.00%), (11.00%) and (11.50%) were recorded for Necrobia rufibes, Blow flies and
Blow flies from Abinsi, Daudu and Ikpayongo markets, respectively. Generally, Necrobia rufibes
was most prevalent while blow flies were the least abundant pest observed. |