Abstract: The study investigated soils of Abakaliki floodplains to characterize and classify them for
sustainable use and management. Two profile pits each were dug in Mgbo-Abaja, Inyimagu and
Nkwagu sites. Twenty-seven soil samples were collected from genetic horizons and sent to the
laboratory for analysis. Results showed that soils were well drained except in Mgbo-Abaja 002
which was poorly drained. Colour varied from brown (10YR 5/3) to weak red (2.5YR 5/2),
brown (10YR 4/3) to red (2.5YR 5/6) and dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) to reddish yellow
(5YR 7/8) in Mgbo-Abaja, Inyimagu and Nkwagu respectively. Mottles were observed in MgboAbaja and Inyimagu profiles as a result of redoximorphism. Soils were sandy and ranged from
526 – 764 mg/kg. The pH was moderately acidic (5.80 – 6.07); mean values of base saturation
(%) was moderate (21.03 – 45.31 %), electrical conductivity was low (< 4.0 dSm-1
) and
exchangeable sodium percent (ESP) was < 15 % except in Nkwagu profile 006. The soils were
classified (USDA / WRB) as Typic Kandiaquults / Ferralic Gleysols (Mgbo-Abaja 001), Typic
Kandiaquults / Cambic Gleysols (Mgbo-Abaja 002), Typic Kandiaquults / Ferralic Gleysols
(Inyimagu 003), Grossarenic Kandiaqualfs / Ferralic Gleysols (Inyimagu 004), Typic
Kandiaquults / Ferralic Acrisols (Nkwagu 005) and Grossarenic Kandiaqualfs / Ferralic Acrisols
(Nkwagu 006). It is recommended that there should be creation of drainage channels to reduce
water logging of sites, employ some management practices like liming, application of biochar technique, organic manure and inorganic fertilizer, which will boost the condition of soils and
improve their fertility for arable crop production.